GEARED Wednesdays!

WEDS | 6:30 - 8:00 PM FCN Kids are invited to join us at geared on Wednesday nights. We will be taking a deeper look at God’s word through Bible study, interactive activities, games, and service to our community!

FCN Kids Sundays!

We can't wait to worship with your kids! We have something for them for all ages birth - 5th grade at FCN Kids!


We believe your child is a special gift from God – so we want to provide the best care possible.  To accomplish this we will provide a safe, loving, and comfortable environment enhanced by Biblical teaching through songs and activities.

The nursery is open 15 minutes before services and nursery care is provided for all scheduled services.

Each room is fully staffed with paid employees as well as volunteers.  For your child’s safety, there is always a minimum of two workers per room, and our paid staff is trained in first aid and CPR.

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Link to the following website to review movies before you take your children to see something that might not be suitable. Teach your children to make wise choices and not accept everything thrown at us by hollywood.